Use the internet to learn new skills

There is a growing tendency worldwide of people being glued to their cell phones. That’s definitely true in my home city of Maputo, Mozambique. People cross the street looking at their cell phones, drive with the cell phones in hand, ride a bicycle with one hand on the handlebars and the cell phones in the other, they take a leak looking at the cell phones!
One day as I was walking by, I saw a young man on the sidewalk coming in the opposite direction , fixated on his cell phone, oblivious that I was in direct collision with him. I walked directly towards him on purpose and caught his eye less than a metre in front of him. I startled him, and I told him to pay attention, to which he didn't respond and then as he continued walking my curiosity led me to ask him, “Do you work or study?” to which he replied, “No, I wasn't admitted this year, I hope to enter the university next year ”.
You shouldn't wait idly for an institution to teach you a skill set. Technology is more accessible today than at any other time in history. If you have the time, the device, and the data to go online, instead of obsessively connecting to social media to the point of risking your own life, you should use the internet to learn something of value. Online learning in particular is the most accessible way to acquire knowledge and new skills.
Distance learning vs online learning
There is a distinction between distance learning and online learning. The concept of distance learning refers to the spatial distance between student and teacher and how technology bridges this gap. Many universities are currently offering distance learning courses where the student attends school over the internet. This means that a student in Mozambique can attend a course taught at a university in the United States, without ever having to move there. It also makes it much easier to get a graduate degree if the student lives in rural or remote areas. All distance courses have an internet component, where the student has access to learning materials. The virtual component of distance learning is called e-Learning. However, distance learning can follow a mix of use of print, virtual materials and even face-to-face workshops, summer schools or 'residentials' as part of the degree programme.
On the other hand, online learning refers to 100% virtual learning through videos, audio, articles, forums, shared documents, e-mail, chat, among other materials. It can refer to either a short tutorial or a long course, and does not necessarily need to be provided by an institution. Online learning is simply learning done via the internet or other virtual means.
The benefits of online learning
It's cheaper
Many of you are in the same situation as that young man, you are not in university this year because you couldn't get in or you don't have the means to pay fees. And you remain “waithood”, waiting for some institution to open their doors for you or waiting to have money “one day” to pay for university, or even just getting by on unskilled labour until that “one day” when opportunities manifest. What you don't know is that there are many platforms created for online learning. Skillshare, for example, is an online learning community, costs only $24 per year, with access to many courses in the creative fields. Udemy has courses created by people with advanced skills and professionals in their sector; each course has student testimonials so you can filter for the best ones, and some courses are free while others cost just $11.99. Coursera has courses created by academics, institutions, and companies. Some Coursera courses can be accessed for free, while others like guided projects start from $9.99 and Professional Specializations and Certificates start from $39.99 per month, which is a lot less than you would pay at a university. You would be saving on transport, accommodation and other costs. And you would only need a debit card to pay for the course.
It's flexible
Learn at your own pace, with no pressure from deadlines or homework. You are the one who is interested, you look for the course and decide your own study schedule. Unlike in traditional learning, instead of attending mandatory lectures at a fixed times, where you would probably watch passively, spending most of your time distracted looking at your cell phone on social media, with online learning you just need to commit to studying consistently so that it becomes a habit. The course can be as short as learning how to make a special salad, which can be just a few minutes, or as long as a Google Data Analytics course, which has over 180 lessons.
Meet the best
Most of the online courses, on the various platforms, are taught by the best in their respective fields. In particular, Coursera offers not only online learning, but also distance learning. Through Coursera, for example, you can take a self-paced course, created by Meta or Google, or even a bachelor's or even a master's degree from top universities like Harvard. And you will have the opportunity to get in touch with masters in their respective fields through the social communication channels they provide.
Meet other students
One of the biggest advantages of online learning is meeting students from other parts of the world, sharing work and getting feedback, collaborating on projects, getting community support to answer questions, and even finding job opportunities online.
Learn almost anything!
There are online courses on almost everything under the sun: business and entrepreneurship, finance and accounting, ICT and software, productivity at work, digital marketing, design, photography and video, health and fitness, cooking, music, academics and much more. Of course, online learning platforms don't teach specialised subjects like medicine, law, engineering sciences or aviation. You need to go through traditional channels and have access to the necessary and appropriate equipment. And while you can study accounting online, at the end of the day you still need to earn your CPA or related certificate and hours of experience through traditional channels if you want to make a career of it. Think of it as a springboard to a specialised career such as Accounting. Still, through online learning, you can learn a variety of skills that are transferable to the job market. Some of these online learning platforms like Udemy issue certificates, but in reality the certificate itself doesn’t add any value, you should not chase the certificate, what counts is the knowledge you obtain.
It is true that the most up-to-date research and resources are in English and if you are reading this, you’re fluent in English and it shouldn’t be a problem. However, platforms like Udemy, Coursera and Skillshare offer not only courses with subtitles, but also some courses in other languages. Therefore, language need not be a limitation.
Be proactive
Being proactive is an integral part of online learning. Be proactive by watching Youtube videos on the subject that interests you, reading blogs, listening to podcasts and audiobooks. We are in the information age. The news doesn't end with the prime time news, nor with the things that are shared on social media; take the time to immerse yourself in your field of interest by following industry news and experts.
Learn anywhere
All these platforms have a website and an app, which are in sync. You are not limited by space and you don't need to have a computer. All you need is a stable internet connection and a device, just download the app from the Google Play Store or Apple's The App Store, choose the course, pay, that's all! Learning is possible in the comfort of your home, in a library or wherever you want.
We have arrived in the future. Information today is in the palm of your hands, and it is the most valuable asset on Earth. Use your device responsibly and use it productively. The more knowledge you have, the more opportunities you can create for yourself. Use the internet to learn.